Why Choose Open Data Australia?
The team from Open Data Australia is on a quest to empower Data-Owners and Data-Users to unlock the power in their data. From the minds of the institute comes the innovation and experience to find genuine capability of information and insights from within the data. We are passionate about the transformation role that data plays in the continuous improvement of the greater good.
Our team of Open Data professionals are truly global citizens. Data knows no boundaries and the potential to learn from Global Best Practice is massive. Our team have lived, worked with and trained teams in multiple countries right around the world. We participate in International Summits and Conferences in order to learn from best.
Each year the team at Open Data Australia dedicates time to contribute to global research into the effects of data on development and sustainability. In the last twelve months papers have been written in conjunction with the United Nations, the World Bank, Major World Governments and Universities to name just a portion of our work.
When partnering with an organisation we consider the entire data spectrum before recommending a solution. We believe in a single source of truth for data governance and suggest building all data solutions from the inside out. How you treat sensitive or closed data does not need to differ from the process of collecting, storing or sharing open data. Good practices should form the basis of all data processes.
Open Data Australia supports and has adopted the International Open Data Charter. The six principles contained in the charter closely align with our vision for data:
Open by default
Timely and comprehensive
Accessible and useable
Comparable and interoperable
For improved governance and citizen engagement
For inclusive development and innovation.
We advocate for the adoption of global standards in measurement and accountability for open data.

Natalie is a bonefide Artificial Intelligence expert. She is the founder of Astreia; a company developing AI for space, the creator of one of the largest meet-up communities in Australia, and she dances a wicked salsa!