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Whether you are a beginner, or a seasoned data pro, Open Data Australia has the tool to help.

We have selected the best free tools and guides to help you manage, publish and analyse your data. 


Open data should be freely and openly available to the entire public to access, use and share, as long as it doesn't contravene national security or privacy concerns.


     In order to be truly open, a dataset needs to be clearly licensed as open to use and share - legally open - as well as technically open, in that it is easily machine readable and available in bulk.

Whether you are dealing with big data, medium or small data, for government, industry or personal, the important thing about data is who are the participants and how is it licensed. The Data Spectrum ranges from closed, to shared to open.

The Data Ethics Canvas is designed to help identify potential ethical issues associated with a data project or activity. It promotes understanding and debate around the foundation, intentional and potential impact of any piece of work, and helps identify the steps needed to act ethically.

The Open Data Skills Framework is a multi-tiered framework that describes collectives of knowledge and skills of anyone interacting with data, from beginner through to expert level. We tailor courses to help you bridge any gaps!

Use the Open Data Pathway to discover your strengths and weaknesses, to identify areas of improvement to optimise progression and to received practical recommendations to help achieve your goals.

Consider all of the datasets that you use in your organisation, the datasets that you access from external providers and even those that you may share. Where do they sit on the spectrum?

From data publishing to ethics, browse our free guides created by experts from the ODI and beyond.

The Open Data Maturity Model is a way to assess how well an organisation publishes and consumes open data, and identifies actions for improvement. The model is based around five themes and five progress levels. Each theme represents a broad area of operations within an organisation. Each theme is broken into areas of activity, which can then be used to assess progress.

The data volumes are exploding, more data has been created in the past two years than in the entire previous history of the human race.

Data is recorded facts and figures.

Information is data that has been prepared for human consumption.

Knowledge is meaning communicated by humans for humans.


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